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Viewing 0 current events matching “skill-sharing” by Date.

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Viewing 2 past events matching “skill-sharing” by Date.

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Jan 27, 2012
Member Skill-Share: Juggling
Collective Agency Downtown

For half an hour, Bill Burcham (and maybe others) will skill-share on juggling.

Have bean bags balls, squishy balls, bowling pins? Bring them. Don't have them? That's fine too, we'll make do with what we have.

This event is open to the public.

Organized by: Alex Linsker [email protected]

Apr 21, 2016
Lightning Talks
Collective Agency Downtown

Members and people here free share what you’re working on or thinking about. What will you share, and what’s something you want to learn by sharing? Comment below, thanks.

Each talk is 5-8 minutes (2 to 10 minutes sometimes). Afterwards, mingling and feedback and conversations.

Fun, inspiring/energizing, informal, learning, skill-sharing, supportive, is the goal. We’ll meet on the sofas in the big loft room.

If you're not a member, RSVP for free days.
