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Jun 6, 2018
ProductTank Portland
WeWork Power + Light

ProductTank provides an opportunity for Product Managers in Portland to exchange ideas and experiences about Product Design, Development and Management, Business Modelling, Metrics, User Experience and all the other things that get us excited. Our June meetup will have two 20-minute talks, each followed by 10 minutes of Q&A. We'll have plenty of time at the start and end of the meetup for tasty beverages and networking.

Key Methods & Tools for Accelerating 2018/19 Revenue and Market Growth: Crossing the Chasm 3.0
Lynn Sheehan, Chasm Institute Senior Advisor and owner of Evolve Strategic Ventures – Business Growth Strategic Partner

This material is meant to guide teams responsible for launching & dominating target markets with disruptive new products in 2018 and beyond. We will touch on the key strategies, tactics, and tools needed for success through the 5 key market lifecycle stages from the Early Market to mature Main Street. To accomplish this we will review the Technology Market Model from the Chasm Institute of Silicon Valley, and cover some of the key questions and factors your product team must ask to win!

How I Did Everything Right and Still Set Fire to Millions of Expedia’s Dollars
Derek Zumsteg, most recently a Group Product Manager at Simple Finance

A decade-old tale of the problems of opaque pricing, the vagaries of usability, stakeholder management, and how over a year and a half I built a product that utterly failed to make an extra dollar. Could we do better today?
