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Viewing 1 past event matching “plancast:plan=8fer” by Date.

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Jan 19, 2012
Portland ALT.NET 2012 January Meetup!
Collective Agency Downtown

Again, we'll be meeting for technical discussion and a lot more. So far, this is what is on the agenda. We'll start this meetup off with a presentation on Git, pair programming, and code katas and koans with .NET. The presentation will cover what these things are, how they're implemented, and what the best usage and benefit of each is. TDD/BDD Pair

Programming Session! Ever wanted to pair program? Wanted to learn about ping pong style, promiscuous pair programming or some other style? Well after the presentation, for those interested bring a laptop with Visual Studio 2010 with the latest services packs and MVC tools and we'll be stepping through exactly what these techniques are and how they're implemented with the .NET stack (and a few open source components too).
