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Viewing 2 past events matching “number theory” by Date.

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Jan 8, 2015
Portland Perl Mongers - Perl in the PEARL edition
PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment

NOTE: Change of Venue!

We're going to change things up this month and will be hosting our first meeting of the year downtown. Join us at the Portland Incubator Experiment (PIE) office, located at 12th and NW Davis.

Dana Jacobsen will give a talk on his number theory module. This is an early version of the talk for FOSDEM.

This talk describes the history, design, and implementation details of a number theory module for Perl. With implementations for most functions in C, C+GMP, and Perl this offers speed on most platforms as well as portability. Comparisons will be made with tools such as Pari/GP, SymPy, SAGE, Primo, OpenPFGW, and others.

Full synopsis here

We'll migrate to Life of Riley or another nearby venue after the meeting for drinks and food.

Feb 12, 2015
Portland Perl Mongers - Documenting Perl and Alternatives to POD
PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment

Join us at the Portland Incubator Experiment (PIE) office, located at 12th and NW Davis.

Stefan and Anthony will be discussing some new alternatives to POD that they've both been working on. Stefan has been working on parsing Markdown formatted documentation out of Perl source. Anthony has been working on an extension to the Sphinx documentation engine to support writing rST formatted documentation in Perl source. Both attempts are in their infancy, so be sure to give feedback and suggestions.

If anyone else would like to join in, or if someone wants to defend lowly ol’ POD, you’re welcome to join in as well.

Full synopsis
