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Feb 19, 2013
R Meetup - What's New in Regression

Until now, nonparametric regression has been a heuristic process - fitting a surface without statistically justifiable confidence measures. With the discovery of the gamma test, there is now a mean squared error estimator that is applicable to the nonparametric case. This allows true statistical reasoning for functional relationships, even when nothing is known about the algebraic form of the relationship. The gamma test is available in R. It will revolutionize the discovery of causal relationships in data.

Wayne Haythorn recently retired from a 30 year career in software design, during which he worked for organizations including NASA, the European Space Agency, National Weather Service, NOAA, Linsoft (Sweden), and Modern Terminals (Hong Kong). He is now working to promote use of the gamma test for nonparametric regression. He is a member of the ASA and has run more gamma tests than anyone else in the world.
