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Oct 5, 2023
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Hands-on (or hands-free) with assistive technology at Community Vision's AT Lab
Community Vision Inc

Even for digital products and services, there is still always some kind of physical interaction. Whether it's by keyboard, touchscreen, voice, or something else, people choose a way to interact that works for them in their unique situation.

The Community Vision Assistive Technology (AT) Lab is a collaborative education and resource center that is open to the public. The Lab demonstrates a wide variety of AT, from communication devices and browser extensions to voice-controlled lights and adaptive video game controllers. Community Vision will be hosting us for the night to learn about these tools and explore them firsthand.

Note: The event is capped at 25 attendees; please RSVP on Meetup. Be sure you can attend in person; if your plans change, please remove yourself from attendance.


  • 5:30pm: Arrive and network
  • 5:45pm: Introduction and guided tour
  • 6:00pm: Open exploration of the lab, with AT Lab staff available for questions
  • 6:30pm: Post-event socializing at a nearby location (TBD)

About Community Vision

Community Vision's mission is to make Oregon a place where people with disabilities can live, work, and thrive in the communities of their choice. Community Vision takes a person-centered approach in providing quality supports tailored to the unique needs and wishes of each individual and family. Learn more at

Accommodation requests

If you have any accommodation requests, please contact us in advance of the event to discuss.
