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Mar 16, 2021
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Put the Law in your Pocket: Accessibility as a Human Right

Curious about what's happening in the digital accessibility legal space? Wonder why accessibility is even a legal issue to begin with? Lainey Feingold will bring us up-to-date about accessibility as a civil right and how advocates are using the law in the United States to advance disability inclusion by eliminating digital barriers. Come learn about pending accessibility lawsuits, what courts say about digital accessibility, and what strategies are available to advocates besides the confrontation and expense of a lawsuit. We'll also talk about the importance of avoiding fear when thinking about the law and what to expect from the Biden/Harris administration in the digital accessibility legal space. Plenty of time for questions and conversation.

Event begins at 6:00pm; join early starting at 5:45pm for networking.


  • 5:45–6:00pm Networking
  • 6:00–6:15pm Introductions & announcements
  • 6:15–7:00pm Presentation
  • 7:00–7:30pm Q&A and discussion
  • 7:30–7:45pm Wrap up

About the presenter:

Lainey Feingold is a disability rights lawyer, an international speaker, and the author of Structured Negotiation, A Winning Alternative to Lawsuits. Structured Negotiation has a twenty-five year track record in resolving complex accessible technology claims without the expense and conflict of traditional litigation. Lainey has worked in the digital accessibility space since 1995 and helped negotiate the first web accessibility agreement in the United States in 2000. She also serves as the accessibility subject matter resource for Disability:IN, the leading business disability global inclusion non-profit organization. Lainey has spoken to #a11y and #UX meetups across the United States and in Toronto and is excited to join us in Portland! More about Lainey’s work on her website or follow her on Twitter.
