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Join us for a hands-on workshop experiencing Mob Programming!
Mob Programming is a software development practice with many benefits - it raises code quality, removes knowledge silos, minimizes mental fatigue, and more. In practice it feels more like a bulldozer than a racecar - unstoppable and thorough. The core of mob programming is pointing many pairs of eyes on a single problem, pushing all the code through a single keyboard. Each month we'll explore different methods for learning to mob well and reaping the rewards of this practice as soon as possible on your own team.
The building you are looking for is on 2nd and Taylor (look for the Starbucks on the ground floor). Take the escalators on the 2nd St. entrance to the WTC Building One second floor lobby (ADA access: ground floor elevator). Take an elevator to the 9th floor (press '9' outside the elevators and use the indicated cab). Follow signs to the Cayuse lobby and sign in for the event.
Facilitator Bio:
Jeff Patterson is a software quality engineer at Jama Software, language agnostic, quality evangelist, and non-traditional CS grad. He has facilitated Global Day of Code Retreat, founded a peer group to support Community College CS students transferring to University, and is often heard saying, "Software is made of people!"