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Nov 8, 2018
Portland AWS User Group - Amazon Sumerian - Create and Host Immersive AR and VR Content for the 3D Web
KinderCare Education

Please join us for the next Portland AWS User Group Meetup on Thursday, November 8, hosted by KinderCare Education.

TOPIC: Amazon Sumerian - Create and Host Immersive AR and VR Content for the 3D Web, using only a Web Browser.

• Dennis Baker, KinderCare Education

• Kyle Roche, General Manager, Amazon Sumerian


• 6:00 PM: Check-in and Happy Hour

• 6:30 PM: Demo and Deep Dive

• 7:45 PM: Q&A

A special thanks to our host KinderCare Education. Headquartered in Portland, KinderCare Education is an experience-based provider of early education and child care, serving 170,000 children and their families across the country every day.

Take yourself back to 1998, when the first websites were being built. What tool did they use? For many it was a tool like Dreamweaver: expensive, complex, on-premise software. Fast forward to 2018. What do people use now? Tools like Wordpress, Wix, Weebly and Shopify. These tools are cloud-based, pay-as-you-go, and simple yet powerful. Content creation for the 3D web (including AR and VR) is high friction today. Businesses have devices and problems to solve but the content creation tools feel like we’re stuck in the 90’s.

Kyle Roche, GM of AR/VR at Amazon Web Services, will discuss how AWS leverages their cloud offerings to simplify content creation for the 3D web. Amazon Sumerian allows non-3D experts to create AR and VR content using only a web browser. Content can be easily published to end-users who then decide how they want to consume the experience. Learn how you can develop dynamic, immersive customer engagements that can experienced via advertising signage, in-store retail displays, websites, mobile devices, or VR headsets. With Sumerian, you can build once and publish widely.
