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Mar 21, 2018
PDX Engineering Managers - Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup!
New Relic

Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup! We'll be meeting to discuss the craft of software and operations management, shipping software, and building great teams!

This meeting will have two parts:

1) Informal meet and greet (food and beverages provided by New Relic)

2) A talk by New Relic's Andrew Ettinger: “Why estimate? Practical “No Estimates” project management in a dynamic environment.”

Abstract: No Estimates sounds crazy, but the reality actually isn’t so bad. My team at New Relic has been practicing a version of “No Estimates” alongside a variety of Agile techniques for about 8 months, and we’ve developed a solid track record of software delivery using it. We’ll take a look at how No Estimates works in an estimated world, how you really can track progress and commitments, and what that means to your team, your stakeholders, and your product delivery process. We’ll also take a look at projects that fit this model well, ones that don’t, and potential pitfalls we’ve encountered so far.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Location Details:

New Relic

111 SW 5th Ave,

27th Floor

Portland, OR 97204
