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Mar 12, 2018
Learn to Code | Thinkful Portland - Thinkful Info Session: Become a Web Developer
CENTRL Office Eastside


Interested in becoming a Web Developer or Software Engineer? Come learn more about Thinkful’s flexible Full Stack program and our full-time Engineering Immersion program. Our flexible program prepares you for a new career without asking you to quit your current job while our full-time program combines the benefits of a live classroom and group work with 1-on-1 mentorship. You'll learn about our mentorship program, career services, curriculum, and track record of job placement.

How to find us:

329 NE Couch St., Portland OR 97232

Located in the middle of the Burnside Bridgehead project Slate building. Entrance at the intersection of the Streetcar line & NE Couch.

Free street parking available on NE Davis & 3rd.

City Center Parking Lot across from Oregon Convention Center on NE Lloyd.

TriMet Stops on NE MLK & Burnside and SE Grand & E Burnside.
