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Aug 23, 2017
Learn to Code | Thinkful Portland - Build Your Own Website with HTML/CSS

Project-based, hands-on learning is the best way to learn how to code. Join us as we teach you the fundamentals of HTML & CSS while building an interactive website.

In this workshop you’ll learn key HTML & CSS concepts as we review some sample code. Then you’ll start building your own site with the help of our instructor and TAs. See an example before you come: this webpage was made by an attendee at one of our last events!

At the end of the night you’ll have your own site live on the internet to share with your friends and family. Before you come:
Some previous exposure to HTML/CSS is helpful, but not required.
Be sure to bring a laptop. If you don’t have one, we can pair you with someone who does.

How to find us:
Located in Suite 1100 of the Union Bank building corner of SW Washington & Broadway
Street parking available every block - Pay to Park via Parking Kitty App/Meters
Parking Garages (across the street) - City Center Parking & ACE
TriMet Buses, Streetcar, and MAX Lines accessible


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