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Jul 21, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk with Oz du Soleil: When and why to use Excel as a developer
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Oz du Soleil

Oz is an Excel developer, blogger, trainer, raconteur and Microsoft Excel MVP. He's known for a colorful and fierce commitment to empowering people who don’t have an IT team or the skillset to manage their own data.

He's also lead author of the book, Guerrilla Data Analysis 2nd Ed., co-written with Mr. Excel, Bill Jelen. He recently relocated to Portland, OR and is known for his passion for ghost pepper Sriracha.

Things that people have used to describe Oz have been: Mentor, fun, funny, patient and quirky. Oz is known for showing the WHEN and WHY, not just the HOW.

Subject: Oz is coming to share insights into when it's actually faster or better to use Excel as a developer, and why. We will provide fresh coffee, pizza, and refreshments. This is a great opportunity to meet new people and network in the software industry.

Everyone is welcome!

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!
