Viewing 0 current events matching “hashicorp” by Event Name.
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Viewing 3 past events matching “hashicorp” by Event Name.
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Aug 2, 2018
CNPDX Early August: Orchestrators -- Helm and Nomad – Cambia Health Solutions 1621 SW First Avenue Portland, OR 97201 PLEASE RSVP on Meetup if you have an account For J̶u̶l̶y̶ early August, we will be having two different orchestration tools presented! Mike Petersen of IBM will take you through the basics of deploying a multi-container service on Kubernetes using Helm. Helm is an application manager that helps you compose, manage, and deploy containerized applications. Christie Koehler of HashiCorp will present Nomad, a general purpose cluster scheduler that can be used to build a multi-regional runtime environment for a diverse set of workloads including non-containerized applications. |
Apr 2, 2019
Portland HashiCorp User Group - AWS Deployments and FinOps With Cloudability - MeetUp – Cloudability - 334 NW 11th Ave · Portland, OR Agenda: 6pm-6:30pm Arrive and mingle - Enjoy food and beverages 6:30pm-7:00pm "Intelligent decisions about cloud usage with Cloudability’s FinOps platform" presented by Patrick Zumar- Senior SE @ Cloudability A new operating model for the cloud, called FinOps, is emerging that enables a shift — a combination of systems, best practices and culture — to increase an organization’s ability to understand cloud costs and make tradeoffs. In the same way that DevOps revolutionized development by breaking down silos and increasing agility, FinOps increases the business value of cloud by bringing together technology, business and finance professionals with a new set of processes. FinOps has several fundamental building blocks we’ve seen high performing organizations put in place to gain competitive advantage. Patrick Zumar will share what we’ve learned from guiding hundreds of large and small cloud adopters on their journey to adopt FinOps. 7:00pm-7:30pm "Reducing Cost & Risk via Automation with Terraform on AWS" presented by Chris Dunlap- Sr. Solution Engineer @ HashiCorp Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. This talk will focus on how customers can leverage Terraform to eliminate unnecessary cloud spend by 30-40% and reduce risk by baking guardrails and best practices into their automation. 7:30pm-8pm Networking |
Dec 7, 2016
Portland's 1st HUG Meetup: Packer & Nomad – New Relic Portland's first HashiCorp User Group (HUG) meetup! Come if you're interested in Vagrant, Packer, Terraform, Vault, Consul, Serf, or Nomad. Evans Tucker will be speaking on Packer and Michael Schurter will be speaking on Nomad. See meetup page for details. There will be food and drink thanks to our kind hosts at New Relic. |