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Viewing 0 current events matching “grant writing” by Date.

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Viewing 3 past events matching “grant writing” by Date.

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Apr 25, 2009
Grant Writing for Success (for Individual Artists)
New Columbia Community Education Center

This introductory workshop teaches artists and writers how to take a good idea and transform it into a compelling grant proposal. Learn the strategies of successful grant writers, from brainstorming to final draft. This workshop is part of the 2009 Regional Arts and Culture Council Artists Workshop Series

Fee: $30 Instructor: Gigi Rosenberg ( Location: New Columbia Community Education Center, Portland For more information: info@ or call 503.823.5111 To register:

May 15, 2009
Grant Writing for Artists and Writers
Museum of Contemporary Craft

Grant Writing for Success—Intermediate Level Fee: $30 Register:

This advanced workshop is for individual artists with some experience grant writing who want to improve their chances of success. Participants learn strategies for finding fresh language to describe a project, how to budget with ease and how to stand out from the crowd. Join us for this hands-on workshop and begin writing that next application. Instructor: Gigi Rosenberg, Presented by the Regional Arts and Culture Council

Nov 18, 2011
EsoZone Portland 2011: 5th Annual Mutant Unconference
through p:ear

The fifth annual EsoZone Portland event will be held this weekend at p:ear, Friday evening November 18th and Saturday November 19th (see the website for schedule and location information).

EsoZone is festival celebrating alternative culture and thought. It follows a hybrid unconference/conference model, meaning that in addition to pre-programmed content, participants can propose their own sessions to share their own ideas, projects and skills with the group.

This years presentations include:

  • Tom Henderson, author of the forthcoming book Punk Rock Mathemamtics, on illusory nature of self.
  • Eric Schiller of Beyond Growth on "digital hipsterism" and the rise of anti-intellectualism in social media.
  • Yoga for Slackers lead by Loren mccRory.
  • Grant Writing for Artists and Other Alien Beings lead by Amanda Sledz.
  • Anarcho-Sewing lead by Jillian Ordes-Finley.

Plus music and performances, and whatever sessions are proposed by this year's participants.
