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Sep 9, 2009
Portland Drupal User Group

September meeting: * Paris Reports: We'll hear from the folks who attended the Paris DrupalCon about Paris sessions.

* Modules 101: A 5-10 minute overview of a Drupal module. The module is TBD. If you'd like to choose and present let us know in the comments.
* DrupalCamp PDX Roundup: An update on the schedule of events October 9 - 11, as well as an opportunity to pitch in and help with the remaining details.


We meet at the OpenSourcery offices at 1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland, OR 97209. NOTE: Please be aware that the developers at OpenSourcery will be working right up to event time. We ask that you arrive no earlier than 5:50pm. Thank you!

After the presentation finishes we'll walk over to the Lucky Lab NW for food and drink.

No need to RSVP, the meetings are open to all.

We're also on IRC in #drupal-pdx on
