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Viewing 2 past events matching “auth” by Location.

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Dec 3, 2012
State of the Auth

This is the first meeting for the new State of the Auth user group. The topics will be revolving around authentication, authorization, and the tools for working with them.

We have ozten (Austin King) from Mozilla giving a talk about Persona!

The space is sponsored by Urban Airship! There will be pizza sponsored by Mozilla!

Mailing list:!forum/stateoftheauth

Jan 7, 2013
State of the Auth

The second meeting of State of the Auth user group. The topics will be revolving around authentication, authorization, and the tools for working with them.

We have @aaronpk (Aaron Parecki) giving a talk on OAuth 2.

The space is sponsored by Urban Airship! There will be pizza sponsored by Janrain!

Mailing list:!forum/stateoftheauth