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Viewing 2 past events matching “agile delivery” by Event Name.

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Apr 6, 2011
Certified Scum Product Owner Training
through Hilton Garden Inn, Beaverton

Scrum increases the emphasis on assessing and driving business value through close collaboration with the delivery team. The Scrum Product Owner establishes the interaction between the business and the delivery team that is so essential to increasing productivity within an Agile organization. Product Owners who assume this crucial role have the ability to guide the team and the process to gain the full benefit of Agile delivery.

When the capabilities of the Product Owner are optimized, an Agile team will experience immediate benefits that lead to improved effectiveness and customer satisfaction as well as increased return on investment (ROI).

* Boost Product Owner capabilities
* Optimize Agile teams
* Increase Scrum functionality
* Enhance planning and scheduling
* Gain practical, proven techniques
* Improve estimating skills and results
* Maximize delivery capabilities
* Reduce risk
* Improve ROI
* Leverage proven experience
* Obtain thought-leader guidance and insight
Oct 13, 2010
The Art of Agile Delivery
through Ambridge Event Center

This course gives you the hands-on experience and builds the skill set you will require to thoroughly understand and then utilize the real-world fundamentals of agile delivery. You also will learn to accelerate and enhance your adoption and practice of agile development within your organization.

Training Objectives: What You Will Learn

* Build and ship weekly increments of software using iterations/Sprints
* Create nearly bug-free code using test-driven development, refactoring, and exploratory testing
* Understand and accommodate stakeholders and their diverse opinions
* Work in a cross-functional team with on-site customers, testers, and programmers
* Prevent build failures with continuous integration
* Incrementally build technical infrastructure alongside features


In a class that emphasizes doing; you will form cross-functional teams and deliver actual software in four 90-minute iterations, in a real-world environment that includes version control, automated builds, and continuous integration. That’s right: you’ll design, build, test, and ship software, as well as build out your technical infrastructure, all in 90 minutes. If that sounds impossible, you must take this course.
