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Oct 15, 2012
Research Talk: Agile Tooling for C++
Portland State University FAB, Room 86-09

Title: Test-Driven Development and Mock Objects for C++ in Eclipse

Speaker: Prof Peter Sommerlad, Institute for Software at FHO/HSR Rapperswil, Switzerland


At IFS Institute for Software, several plug-ins have been developed for the Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools (CDT), to assist Agile C++ developers. Some of the features have already been integrated into CDT, such as the refactoring infrastructure and some refactorings, such as toggling function definition and declaration. In this talk Prof. Sommerlad will explain how IFS's plug-ins make it easier to adopt an agile style of development, through code-generation for Test-driven Development (TDD), unit testing, test doubles and mock objects, quick feedback from static analysis tools, and quick-fixes for problems.

Speaker Bio:

Prof. Peter Sommerlad is head of IFS Institute for Software at FHO/HSR Rapperswil. Peter is co-author of the books POSA Vol.1 and Security Patterns. His goal is to make software simpler by Decremental Development: refactoring software down to 10% of its size with better architecture, testability and quality and functionality. Peter is the also the author of the CUTE unit testing framework. He inspired and leads several Eclipse CDT plug-in projects, such as the CUTE unit testing, Sconsolidator, Mockator, Linticator, and Includator. IFS contributed most of the CDT refactoring infrastructure and is employing it to develop further TDD and Refactoring support for Eclipse CDT.
