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Viewing 0 current events matching “FreeCodeCamp” by Date.

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Viewing 2 past events matching “FreeCodeCamp” by Date.

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Aug 12, 2016
Free Code Camp PDX meetup group
PDX Code Guild

Laid back study session with local freel code campers. Focus on javascript but all programmers of any level are welcome to come hang out and code.

Jan 11, 2020
Free Code Camp Workshop
Portland Community Church is a great online resource for learning how to code. It gives you step by step challenges with example lessons to code. There are even hints and video tutorials if you get stuck.

The only missing component is how to share your achievements with friends and get inspired by others. That's where Knowledge Mavens can help. Join us to stay motivated to complete the boot camp. We're holding a two-hour workshop to work on challenges and share our progress.

If you haven't tried Free Code Camp. I can help you get started. Be sure to bring your laptop so we can code together.

Be inspired! Knowledge Mavens
