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Portland Python User Group meetup

111 SW 5th Ave #2700, Portland, OR 97204
Portland, OR 97204, us (map)

How to find us: 21st Floor of The Bancorp Building (Big Pink)



RSVP on meetup dot com

Event Agenda:

There will be a main talk between 30 minutes to 1 hour followed by optional lighting talks. Pizza will be provided by New Relic.

Main Talk: Notes from the blue team by Elaine Laguerta

Hi! I'm a blue-team security engineer. I try to make it easier for devs to build software while balancing safety and security. In this talk I'll rant about some things I think you should know. What we won't talk about: the OWASP Top 10, how to do SQL injection, which hash functions are the most secure. I'll provide a list of links to answer questions like these! What we will talk about: A basic checklist for secure development, what new devs should learn, how experienced devs can stay up-to-date, and why a healthy team culture should be a core part of your security posture.

Lightning Talks: Lightning talks are talks up to 5 minutes in length on any topic that might interest other Python people.

