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Rooted School Vancouver - Public Forum



Rooted School Vancouver, a first-of-its-kind public high school seeking approval to open in Vancouver, WA fall 2022. Rooted School prepares underrepresented and underestimated students for careers in technology directly after high school. You can learn more about the school model [here] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUty3y1TjDE). Currently, we’re in the final stages of the charter authorization process and could use your help.

On Wednesday, November 18, at 6PM PST we will have our virtual public forum which is an opportunity for state Commissioners, parents, community members, local residents, and other members of the public to learn about Rooted School Vancouver’s proposed school and team and to provide feedback about the model.

Ask: Could you help us across the finish line by doing the following?

Attending the virtual public forum.

When: November 18, 2020 at 6PM

RSVP [here] (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSednorDGv9ONb5XO9BdvQQlnWE3HHwLpJACoEawV3IRiU0v8g/viewform?gxids=7628), and we’ll be sure you get the Zoom link:

Submitting public comment in support of the school.

Public comment can be submitted in the following ways:

Members of the public may use the “chat” feature to submit up to 15 minutes after the live public forum end time.

Individuals and groups can submit their written comments to the Commission by mailing their comments to:

Washington State Charter School Commission

RE: Public Forum Comment

P.O. Box 40996

Olympia, WA 98504-0996

Written comments are limited to one page (using at-least 12 point font)

Individuals and groups can submit their comments to the Commission via email by emailing the

Application Coordinator at [email protected]

Emails are limited to 500 words

Individuals and groups can provide public comment via phone/voicemail by calling the Commission at 360-725-5511.

Sample public comment statements-- feel free to modify any of the below or write your own entirely!:

Dear Washington State Charter Commissioners,

My name is [insert name] and I am [insert role, i.e., community member, business leader, educator, parent, student, etc.]. Please accept my public comment in support of Rooted School Vancouver being granted a charter to open a public high school in partnership with the Vancouver community. I believe our community needs more options that set students up for job success in the local economy, and Rooted School Vancouver is looking to provide that.

Dear Washington State Charter Commissioners,

My name is [insert name] and I am [insert role, i.e., community member, business leader, educator, parent, student, etc.]. I strongly support the authorization of Rooted School Vancouver because students in our community would benefit from a school that helps them to develop work-force AND college-ready skills.

Dear Washington State Charter Commissioners,

My name is [insert name] and I am [insert role, i.e., community member, business leader, educator, parent, student, etc.]. I am excited to support Rooted School Vancouver in their mission to provide personal pathways to financial freedom for young people and families across Vancouver. The Rooted team has demonstrated unprecedented results in New Orleans and Indianapolis, and I’m confident will have a positive impact in Vancouver in the years to come.

Really appreciate your support in any shape or form!

