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PDXWIT Presents: Less Talk, More Action: BLM and Beyond


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It's been six months since the wave of tech industry support for Black Lives Matter and pledges to do better. Has anything really changed?

Join Ciara Pressler, founder of Pregame, for a panel discussion on how companies and individual professionals can and should implement their values in business, including diversity & equity and beyond. What are the obstacles to implementing DE&I practices? When are values real versus just PR? What are the small things anyone can do to live their values at work?

Speakers Include: Ciara Pressler, Moderator Stephen Green, Creator of the Do More challenge Marcus Carter, Social Equity Director, Cinder Amanda Oborne, Executive Director, Oregon Entrepreneurs Network

Agenda: 5:00 p.m. - PDXWIT & Pregame introduction 5:10 p.m. - Panel + Q & A 6:00 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech. Our events are inclusive.

ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

