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Friday, October 18, 2019 at 9:13am.
AgilePDX Westside: How to coach for Servant-Leadership
Limited spots! Reserve your seat at https://www.meetup.com/AgilePDX-User-Group-Portland-Metro/events/265689486/
Doors open half hour before noon for those who wish to purchase a lunch and settle in before we begin.
Need more hints and tips about one of our newest locations? http://agilepdx.org/westside_hints_and_tips.html
Coaching is one of the most powerful tools used in agile. And yet... being a great coach is much harder than it seems. This month at the west-side cafe, we are going to discuss coaching in relationship to servant leadership. We will ask ourselves: As a team member, SM, etc how do we coach those who need coaching and may not realize (or admit it)?
Events are made possible by the AgilePDX community and our sponsors, including platinum sponsor ProFocus Technology (https://www.profocustechnology.com/). Learn more about our sponsors at https://agilepdx.org/sponsorship.