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PDX DITA Meetup and Presentation

AppNexus 711 SW Alder Street Suite 400 Portland, OR 97205

Xandr is on the 4th floor. The building is also known as the Alderway Building.


At our quarterly meetup for DITA XML users, we'll be welcoming Josh Johnson of MapR Technologies, who will be speaking about "The Doc Pipeline: The Awkward Teenage Years." Josh is a DITA tools developer with 15+ years experience enabling tech doc and content management teams to provide state-of-the art content creation and delivery. Ask him your questions about how he's supported doc teams in evolving their DITA implementations from simply up-and-running builds to highly efficient systems that support key performance goals.

--Meetup from 6:30-8:00 PM on 8/14, with the talk beginning at 7:00.

--There will be food, and drinks in moderation!

--Please RSVP to [email protected] if you plan to come in person--or if you'd like a call-in option. We always plan veg options, but can handle other requests with advance notice. Hope to see you there!

