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R + AI Share & Tell - PDX R-Ladies / WiMLDS (Women in Machine Learning & Data Science)

Pioneer Square WeWork
700 SW 5th Ave
Portland, OR 97204, United States (map)

Access Notes

Take escalator up to third floor in Pioneer Place. Enter WeWork to lobby.

3rd floor of Pioneer Place, take the escalators all the way up!



Are you currently working through a Deep Learning or Machine Learning tutorial, course, or project? This Share & Tell roundtable will give you the opportunity to plug in your laptop & share with the rest of the group! It can be any sort of success, failure, or frustration you've experienced on your journey.

The focus of the group is R but given that many libraries are only available in Python or other languages, and it's often easier to just use them instead of making everything work in R, I supposed we'll allow it ;) Just be aware there is a high likelihood the audience will be skewed towards R & scientific research workflows (as opposed to Python & software engineering).

WiMLDS's mission is to support and promote people whose perspectives are underrepresented in the larger data science & tech community, seeking to express themselves through quantitative, computational modalities. We create opportunities for members to engage in technical and professional conversations in a positive, supportive environment by hosting events for & by demographically underrepresented minorities with an emphasis on gender minorities (if you couldn't tell by the name of the organization).

There is no demographic restriction on membership; anyone whose needs are otherwise underrepresented by other groups in this space & feels this group would benefit them is welcome to participate.
