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Tuesday, November 27, 2018 at 2:08pm.
Tuesday, November 27, 2018 at 2:08pm.
PASCAL Hackerspace - Foundations: SSH Fundamentals
SSH is the protocol that makes possible the secure administration of remote Unix-like systems. Any aspiring Linux hacker would do well to understand a little bit about how SSH works, and what it can do.
In this presentation, we're taking you through the basics of the ubiquitous OpenSSH implementation. We're going to cover the SSH client, the server, keys, best practices, and useful features like tunneling.
To participate in the interactive portion of the event, bring a laptop that runs MacOS, or Linux either natively or in a virtual machine.
As a supplement, we will be distributing digital copies of SSH Mastery by Michael Lucas.
Please RSVP if you're coming, and let us know if you can't make it so we can make room for others.