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Tuesday, June 5, 2018 at 8:17am.
A Unified Event Based Architecture w/ Gargoyle Software
We're on the 5th floor. Doors lock at 6 so look for a sign with a number to text.
Come join us in an evening of stimulating discussion where we explore an approach in developing an event-sourced, CQRS-based real time system. We’ll look at the reframe inspired events system on the server side, as well as how the interceptor pattern can be used to achieve a clean implementation.
Jesse Sherlock Startup veteran, incredibly broad and deep. https://github.com/infracanophile
Fenton Travers Organizer of the Vancouver Clojure meetup. 10 years experience at Oracle before drinking the Clojure kool-aid. https://github.com/ftravers
Paul Lucas Deeply involved at the intersection of music and functional programming. Has been booked for live coding gigs in UK and Japan. Front-end focus. https://github.com/paullucas
Gargoyle Software specializes in Clojure software development for the cannabis industry. We believe in mutualism, questioning assumptions, and honoring craftsmanship. We're located in Vancouver, BC and have a median of 9 years experience. We offer full-service project management or staff augmentation and in-house design. We are about to release our first Clojure open source contribution.