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Learn to Code | Thinkful Portland - Thinkful + Free Geek: Build a Twitter Bot with JavaScript

Free Geek
1731 SE 10th Avenue
Portland, OR 97214, us (map)



***MUST RSVP ON EVENTBRITE HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/thinkful-free-geek-build-a-twitter-bot-with-javascript-tickets-46328582036***

Using JavaScript and Twitter's API we will create an intelligent bot. An easy and fun way to learn how JavaScript can be used to build real projects. Our bot will search for tweets mentioning different keywords and reply to them with a predefined answer.

This workshop won't be a step-by-step JavaScript introduction. Instead we will build something useful and fun, while learning some basic JavaScript concepts along the way.

Bring a laptop, and if you don't have one we'll match you up with someone who does.

How to find us:
1731 SE 10th Ave., Portland, OR 97214

Located SE Portland near Ladd's Addition on 10th betweek SE Market & Mill.
Free Street Parking available on every block.
Buses 4, 10, 14, and 70 all have stops within 2-3 blocks of location.
Check in at Front Desk for Event with Free Geek Admin Team.

