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ISSA - Cyber Deception – Legacy Challenges and New Techniques to Supplement Your Cyber Defenses

421 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 950
Portland, OR 97204, US (map)




Speakers will discuss all things cyber deception including why legacy and high interaction honeypots don't scale, are expensive and add attack surface, what technologies organizations can implement for host, protocol and Active Directory deception, as well as how to best integrate those technologies into existing cyber defenses.

About the Speakers:

Charlie Kawasaki, CISSP, VP of Business Development, Formaltech

Charlie has over 35 years of experience working in technology, primarily in venture-backed start-ups, early stage and spin-out companies innovating in the cybersecurity, software, and network industries. He currently serves as the VP of Business Development at Formaltech, CTO for PacStar, and Entrepreneur in Resident at Galois. Charlie is highly involved in the local technology community by serving as a Board Member of Technology Association of Oregon, Co-chair of TAO Cyber Lab, Vice-chair of Oregon Cybersecurity Advisory Council, and Founder and Manager of NW Cyber Camp.

Clayton Fields, Vice President, Javelin Networks

Clayton has helped clients improve security programs across the world. A thorough understanding of business drivers coupled with the ability to diagnose risk has allowed Clayton to help companies avoid being a headline. Also with this unique skill set, Clayton has helped executives understand the breakdown that exists between the business executives and cybersecurity professionals regarding risk assignment and prioritization that has caused so many newsworthy events. Experiences with incident response and threat hunting have also allowed Clayton to help companies choose unique solutions to mitigate risk.

Price: The chapter meeting is subsidized by chapter memberships and sponsors. There is a nominal fee of $10 (member) or $25 (non-member) for preregistered attendees. Walk in attendees are welcome but will be charged $30 at the door. If you wish to become a member, please visit for additional details.

CPEs: The chapter maintains proof of attendance for members but it is the member's responsibility to ensure that these CPE's are credited to their respective accounts. This luncheon will offer 1 CPE per hour of attendance.
