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Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 12:28pm.
Clojure Lightning Talks
5th floor, doors lock so look for phone number on a sign to text.
This month we'll have member provided lighting talks. We have two scheduled so far and room for more. Get in touch if you want to do one also.
First we have John Skilbeck talking about converting a traditional Clojure project meant to be run on a server or on docker into a AWS Lambda runtime, while leaving the original project's source code intact. He'll provide a brief background on AWS Lambda and how that works, and then a walkthrough of the project.
Then we'll have JR Heard's talk: An Introduction to Specter
Specter is a library that allows you to elegantly and performantly manipulate Clojure/Script data structures. In this sure-to-be-compelling lightning talk, we'll learn why Specter exists, how to use it, and how to write our own Specter "navigators".