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Agile PDX Westside: Overcoming a Culture of Fear: Improving Psychological Safety for Individuals and Teams

McMenamins Cornelius Pass Roadhouse
4045 N.W. Cornelius Pass Rd.
Hillsboro, OR 97124, US (map)
Public WiFi

Seating is limited. Please RSVP over on meetup: https://www.meetup.com/AgilePDX-User-Group-Portland-Metro/events/244803056/

Doors open half hour before noon for those who wish to purchase a lunch and settle in before we begin.



Imagine coming to work every day where you're free to be your authentic self, you have open trust with all of your coworkers, and you can easily focus together, experiment, and create great value without regard to role or hierarchy. What if all individuals and teams got to experience this kind of open, creative, productive, inspiring workplace? We too often see that this is not the case for ourselves or our teams as we often lack Psychological Safety in our work environment.

So what are the culprits that cause this lack of safety? Is it miscommunication, politics, old management practices, or something else? Join us as we explore the challenges to Psychological Safety and learn from each other's experiences where Psychological Safety was at it's best and teams thrived. If you've been on either side of this Safety line, we invite you to share your experiences and what has helped your teams to open up or caused them to shut down.

Continuing with our theme of learning, the Westside cafe will discuss how we can create a culture where it is ok to probe deeply into our mistakes without fear.

Please join us Nov 17th for this discussion.

[Note: This session will be held at the McMenamins Cornelius Pass Roadhouse. Please ask the host at the front of the Imbrie Hall building for the AgilePDX group's location.]

