ERROR: Couldn't find all Calagator::Sources with 'id': (996336740, {:include=>[:events, :venues]}) (found 1 results, but was looking for 2)
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Learn to Code | Thinkful Portland - Build a Twitter Bot with JavaScript

1355 NW Everett St
Portland, OR 97209, us (map)



Using JavaScript and Twitter's API we will create an "intelligent" bot. An easy and fun way to learn how JavaScript can be used to build real projects. Our bot will search for tweets mentioning different keywords and reply to them with a pre-defined answer.

This workshop won't be a step-by-step JavaScript introduction. Instead we will build something useful and fun, while learning some basic JavaScript concepts along the way.

Must RSVP on Eventbrite here.

Before you come: Experience with JavaScript is ideal. Be sure to bring a laptop. If you don’t have one, we can pair you with someone who does. Also make sure to make a Twitter account if you don't already have one.

How to find us: Entrance on NW Everett between 13th & 14th. Free Street Parking available after 6pm. City Center & Brewery Blocks parking grages & lots available. TriMet Stops on NW 10th, 11th, 14th, Everett, Glisan, and Couch

