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Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 2:32pm.
Do What You Love with Maigen Thomas
You go into the Union Bank Tower. You go into the elevator. You press 11 (for the 11th floor). You arrive.
"Do What You Love" seems to have become a mantra for millennials entering the workforce, but it’s a phrase that would never have been uttered by any previous generation. If we're no longer working toward the corner office and an early retirement, what are we working toward? Can you do what you love your entire life?
This workshop will share information that we hope will help you determine what you love to do and enable you to move confidently in that direction.
Your Takeaways:
Understand whether you're bored at work or ready for better work
Begin to articulate your core values
Better self-evaluate your skills, talents and passions.
Determine what truly 'meaningful work' means to you
Maigen Thomas is passionate about helping people be and do BETTER. Professionally, she is the lead Front-End Developer and UX Designer at Unigo, a SaaS company focused on helping students find the perfect college and scholarships to help pay for it. She also serves her community as a Business Development consultant helping small businesses and entrepreneurs 'build a better business' through an optimized user experience for everyone. Maigen is the author of three books and is a regular contributor on HuffPost and Medium. Additionally, she has been featured on various radio shows, USA Today, ValuePenguin, Mashable, ThePennyCounter, and US News & World Report.
Space is limited, RSVP now: https://www.meetup.com/Startup-Your-Startup/events/241857656/