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Monday, June 19, 2017 at 11:08am.
AgilePDX Downtown: Discovering Your Team's Values with LEGO Serious Play!
At AgilePDX Downtown in June, Paul Wynia is facilitating a fun interactive workshop with us!
Teams are tricky things, they get even trickier when a team fails to come together as a cohesive group of individuals. One of the steps to getting through the Forming/Storming phases and onto the Performing stage is creating a set of team values and defining how those values translate to behaviors. In this fun, interactive session we'll explore team values with LEGO Serious Play. Using these methodologies, we ensure that all team members are engaged, have a voice, and can influence the final outcome while at the same time reducing the stress and conflict that can occur.
Speaker Paul Wynia is an Agile Coach, Consultant, and Trainer with 20 years of software industry experience. Paul is also a Licensed Trainer of the Lego® Serious Play® methodologies http://www.strategicplay.com/ and uses Agile Games and simulations to incorporate collaboration, creativity, and innovation into teamwork. He is co-host of the http://agilegamespodcast.com/ and co-chair of the annual http://agilegameswest.com/ conference.