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Professional Scrum Product Owner Certification Course

WeWork Custom House
220 Northwest 8th Avenue
Portland, OR 97209, US (map)

More details will be provided with registration.



Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO) is a 2-day course that provides the knowledge needed to work with Scrum in a highly practical way. The course is a combination of instruction and team-based exercises where students experience how the Scrum framework improves product development efforts.

Over the 2 days, students will develop and solidify their knowledge of being a Product Owner through instruction and team-based exercises. The breadth of the role’s responsibilities in delivering a successful product will become more clear from an Agile perspective. Metrics are identified to track the creation of value and the successful delivery of the product to the marketplace.

Scrum.org selects only the most qualified instructors to deliver this course. Each instructor lends his or her individual experience and expertise to the course, but all students learn the same core content. This improves their ability to pass the Professional Scrum assessments and use Scrum in the workplace.

This course will be limited to 12 people to enable a high-touch experience. Sign up early to get your spot.

