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Women Founder Pitch Event

NedSpace Broadway
707 Southwest Washington Street
Portland, OR 97205, US (map)



Presenters: Founders will be given 3 minutes to pitch, and 1 minute to answer one question from the audience. Those selected after filling out the one page form will be given first priority in pitching order. It is highly recommended you fill out the one page form. To request the one page form to apply to pitch, email Mark Grimes at mark dot grimes at gmail

Pitching: Women founded startups from all industries, the audience will select the winners

Judging Criteria:
1) Potential for commercialization
2) Impact on the lives of women, children and families
3) Fills a need in the marketplace

Emcee: Emma Mcilroy, Emma is currently the CEO and CMO of Wildfang International Inc. Wildfang is the home for tomboys and brings a fresh, exciting and truly badass retail experience to young women all over the USA. Wildfang aims to serve both her tomboy style and tomboy spirit 24/7/365.

What: Women Founder Pitch Event When: Wednesday May 24th 2017 - 5:30-7:15pm Where: NedSpace - 707 SW Washington, Suite 1100

Timeline Breakdown: 5:30pm-6:00pm, social half hour 6:00pm-7:00pm, pitching & Q&A 7:00pm-7:15pm, audience voting 7:15pm winners announced

No Powerpoint allowed, talk to the audience, inspire them

Tickets: $10 in early bird, now thru May 19th $25 May 19 thru May 23rd $50 at the door (May 24th)

Current location seating capacity is limited to 50 people

Audience: All people can purchase tickets, both men or women, men are allowed to buy tickets, just not pitch, capiche? Just women will pitch, people of all genders may purchase tickets. The purpose of the event is to give women a platform to showcase their entrepreneurial talent.

Basis: Women are 50% of the American population. Yet, less than 8% of investments go to women businesses. Let’s join Warren Buffet in his vision :”We’ve seen what can be accomplished when we use 50% of our human capacity. If you visualize what 100% can do, you’ll join me as an unbridled optimist about America’s future”.

Scholarship Tickets: are available if the ticket cost is a challenge at this time, contact Mark directly at mark dot grimes at gmail

Of course, the presenters are NOT buying their tickets, pitch events that charge for pitching are uncool.

RSVP ASAP: https://www.meetup.com/Startup-Your-Startup/events/239571795/
