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Monday, May 8, 2017 at 11:19am.
pdxrlang meetup: Chester Ismay: Creating the fivethirtyeight R data package
Doors open about 615 - DON'T SHOW UP BEFORE 615 - we'll start at 630.
Enter on the 8th Ave. entrance where there's gates - The gates may be locked, but a security person will let you in. If you have any trouble message me in the meetup app, or on Twitter at @pdxrlang or @sckottie
Speaker: Chester Ismay (https://github.com/ismayc) - Instructional Technologist and Consultant for Data Science, Statistics, and R at Reed College
Abstract: In this talk, I will discuss the motivation behind creating a data package using the data from the stories produced by FiveThirtyEight. I’ll also walk through the process of creating a data package in R and some of the vignettes for the package that have been created by my students and others from throughout the world. Lastly, I’ll discuss some ideas (that I’d love to work with others on) for other data packages in R that can better serve the R community by helping novice and intermediate R users work with and tidy “messy” data.