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Data Rescue Portland

1120 NW Couch St., Suite 320
Portland, Oregon 97209, US (map)
Public WiFi

Access Notes

You'll need to check in with the Mozilla office front desk, on the third floor. The elevators lock at 6pm, but when there's an evening event scheduled, they should stay open until 7pm.

Check in with security on ground floor upon entering for directions



RSVP required: https://ti.to/maxogden/data-rescue-pdx

Calling all computer programmers, scientists, librarians, data hoarders and civic technologists! Let's work towards supporting Internet Archive, Data.gov, University of Pennsylvania and the California Digital Library on various projects to back up open government and scientific datasets as part of the #datarefuge initiative.

Let [email protected] know if your company would like to sponsor dinner!

We will be focusing on contributing to backup efforts for Climate Mirror as well as Data.gov.

This event is a volunteer effort to contribute to data back up efforts. By attending you agree to our Code of Conduct http://confcodeofconduct.com/ which we will enforce. Mozilla requires all attendees to provide their name a photo to enter their office.

This event is being organized by Max Ogden (Donut.js, The Dat Project), Danielle Robinson (OHSU/Mozilla Science Lab), Gabriela Rodríguez Beron and the rest of the Science Hack Day Portland and Donut.js communities.

Logo forked from Brendan O'Brien at Data Rescue Boston.

