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Monday, January 2, 2017 at 9:06pm.
AgilePDX Pub Lunch: Why a scrum master is not a secretary
RSVP via meet-up encouraged but not required https://www.meetup.com/AgilePDX-User-Group-Portland-Metro/events/236629109/
Let's kick off the new year and dig down in some great discussion around Agile topics! Last month we voted to discuss "Why a scrum master is not a secretary! (what a scrum master does and does not do)"
Have you ever known a Scrum Master who is the secretary to a team? Maybe even yourself? While this can save other team members time initially and may create a sort of glue or thread for the team, is it positive energy for the team or can it be detrimental? Does it affect our goals to guiding self-organized teams? Bring your stories and experiences, positive or negative. Help other teams, and your own, identify possible problems with Scrum Master implementations and solutions for them.