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Thursday, November 10, 2016 at 10:28pm.
Collective Agency Holiday Party - rescheduled to January 12th because of snow day
Access Notes
We're on the 11th floor, come on up. Non-members park bikes outside the building. Paid car parking is connected to the building, and a SmartPark is two blocks away near Target. Located on SW 10th and Washington, between Target and Powell's, on the big block of food carts. We're on the Streetcar line, a block from the Red and Blue MAX lines, and a 5-minute walk from the Green, Yellow, Orange lines.
The holiday party got rescheduled to January 12th because of the snow day. We did have a mini-party, with multiple courses of: pizza tarts, pizza puffs, and onion tarts, with wine. We had a paper airplane contest (for distance). The disco ball was on, and we listened to James Brown. But January 12th will be the actual holiday party.
It’s potluck-style. Bring food and drink. The disco ball will be on.
RSVP at: https://www.facebook.com/events/1800463503507540/ and https://www.meetup.com/Collective-Agency-community-workplace/