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Friday, September 2, 2016 at 5:25pm.
Options for Protection & Software IP
Almost every entrepreneur out there wants to protect their intellectual property, but the balance of time, energy and money spent on it can be taxing. Join our Digital Health and Technology and IP Communities as they invite a team of experts and explore a variety of topics around patenting software in the current market. Hear the different options of IP protection, including insights for what has worked best for a variety of growth companies.
Questions to be answered during this session:
-What does the current software patent and protection landscape look like? -How do you protest your software’s IP? -How can a small startup compete with big companies with protection? -What protection is available for OEM and resale vs. software you plan to sell to end users?
Thank you to our sponsors! Cushman & Wakefield - http://www.cushmanwakefield.com/
Registration is located here: https://www.techoregon.org/events/options-protection-and-software-ip