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PDXRust: RustDoc For Everyone, and Bridging Ruby And Rust

1120 NW Couch St., Suite 320
Portland, Oregon 97209, US (map)
Public WiFi

Access Notes

You'll need to check in with the Mozilla office front desk, on the third floor. The elevators lock at 6pm, but when there's an evening event scheduled, they should stay open until 7pm.

Front doors of the building and elevators remain open till 7pm. Take elevator to 3rd floor, turn left, enter large glass door labeled "Mozilla". If door is locked, use the buzzer and we'll let you in.



There will be 2 talks this month!

Rustdoc for Everyone:

You don't have to be a great writer to create great documentation. There are simple techniques and rules you can follow to build documentation for your users. Rust ships with documentation tools, but not all crates take advantage of them. Documentation is the first way that developers interact with your code - great documentation sets your crates apart, helps users skip easy questions, and cuts down on bug reports. In this talk, we will explore techniques for writing great documentation.

Speaker Jeremiah Peschka has been breaking software since 2000 - he's been told this sounds impressive, but he thinks it might just make him feel old. He blogs over at http://facility9.com and can be found on twitter and IRC as peschkaj. When Jeremiah isn't working with databases and Rust, he can be found playing video games, hanging out at food trucks, or napping at home.

Bridging Ruby and Rust:

Ruby is not the fastest language in the world, there is no doubt about it. This doesn't turn out to matter all that much โ€“ Ruby and its ecosystem has so much to offer, making it a worthwhile tradeoff a lot of the times.

However, you might occasionally encounter workloads that are simply not suitable for Ruby. This is especially true for frameworks like Rails, where the overhead wants to be as little as possible.

In this talk, we will explore building a native Ruby extension with Rust to speed up parts of Rails. What does Rust have to offer here over plain-old C? What kind of challenges would you run into when briding a dynamic langauge like Ruby with Rust? Let's find out!

Speaker Godfrey Chan is a member of the Rails core team and a co-author of Helix, a toolkit for implementing Ruby classes in Rust. He works at Tilde Inc, splitting his time between building Skylight and open-source consulting.

Other Information:

PDXRust meets on the first Wednesday of every month, from 6-8pm, at Mozilla's Portland space. The first hour is either lightning talks from group members or a more in-depth tutorial from a Rust expert, and the second hour is hacking and social time.

Join us in #pdxrust on irc.freenode.net (http://webchat.freenode.net/) with any feedback about what you'd like to see!

Remember that Rust's Code of Conduct defines the Rust community's expectations for participation.

