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PDXRust June: Lightning Talks

1120 NW Couch St., Suite 320
Portland, Oregon 97209, US (map)
Public WiFi

Access Notes

You'll need to check in with the Mozilla office front desk, on the third floor. The elevators lock at 6pm, but when there's an evening event scheduled, they should stay open until 7pm.

Front doors of the building and elevators remain open till 7pm. Take elevator to 3rd floor, turn left, enter large glass door labeled "Mozilla". If door is locked, use the buzzer and we'll let you in.



Are you a Rust expert? Have you played with Rust a bit and told yourself you really should write more code in it, but never made the time? Do you just like learning about cool new programming languages? If any of these apply to you, come to the PDXRust meetup to learn more and meet others with similar interests!

We meet on the first Wednesday of every month, from 6-8pm, at Mozilla's Portland space. The first hour is either lightning talks from group members or a more in-depth tutorial from a Rust expert, and the second hour is hacking and social time.

Join us in #pdxrust on irc.freenode.net (http://webchat.freenode.net/) with any feedback about what you'd like to see!

Remember that Rust's Code of Conduct defines the Rust community's expectations for participation.

