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Portland Tech Diversity: This is How You Do It

Urban Airship
1225 West Burnside #401
Portland, OR 97209, us (map)



~ In partnership with Urban Airship and Uncorked Studios, Code Fellows presents ~ Diversity in Tech: How do you do it... and why?

At this event, leaders from PDX tech companies that have had success in diversifying their teams will discuss how they've done so and why. They'll talk about where they source candidates, the resulting company culture, and why a diverse team matters to their bottom line. We'll hear from Planet Argon, Uncorked Studios, Free Geek, and Urban Airship.

After the discussion, get your elevator pitches ready for Flash Intros! This is where job seekers get two minutes to connect with CTOs and hiring managers from the Portland tech community. Bring resumes and/or business cards.

Space is limited, and registration is required. Doors will open at 5:50, with the program starting shortly after 6 pm. http://techdiversity-how-why.eventbrite.com/?aff=calagator
