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Founder Institute - Founder Night Out: Network with Local Entrepreneurs!

Portland Art Museum
1219 SW Park Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97205, US (map)



If you have a startup idea or idea-stage company and you are interested in the Founder Institute program, then join us for the Founder Night Out.

Meet fellow peers that are applying to the program or already enrolled, as well as the program Directors and Mentors. Socialize over drinks with other entrepreneurs at the same stage of development. Meet potential Co-Founders. Meet potential partners. Most of all, have fun!

Who should Attend? - Anyone interested in joining the Founder Institute program

  • Anyone who has an idea for a startup or an early-stage company

  • Anyone interested in meeting Founder Institute

  • Graduates, Directors or Mentors

What is the Agenda? Networking, Socializing and Drinks

This event is FREE, and we expect over 50 people in attendance. For more information, visit http://fi.co/e/77771/meetup

