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Digital Art- 3D Modeling/Sculpture in Blender

CTRLH - Craft Lab
7614 N Interstate Ave
Portland, OR 97217, us (map)

CTRL^H is on the intersection of Interstate and Lombard. We will be working in the craft lab, which is the third door of the building.

If you get lost/locked out, call 281-799-8414



Come learn how to Model/Sculpt in blender!

I will be teaching a short lesson on character modeling for those of you who want to get started in 3D and then we'll get some projects gong and work independently- this is both for beginners and those more experienced users who enjoy working in community settings and showing off what they've got.

We'll be meeting at CTRL^H at 6:30 in the Craft Lab, which is right next to the main building.

You can see some of the work I've done here: http://liooil.neocities.org/gallery.html

If you have any questions please email: [email protected]

Price: Free! (although donations of any amount are appreciated!)


