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Esri Hackerlab

Esri PDX R&D Center
309 SW 6th Avenue #600
Portland, OR 97204, USA (map)

The Esri PDX R&D Center is located in the Wells Fargo building on the 6th floor, Suite 600.



We are hosting our third HackerLab event in Portland, OR! This is a four-hour, hands-on, strategically guided lab for developers that will cover how to build map apps with ArcGIS Online, APIs and Services, Open Source, and also with AppStudio for ArcGIS (for native apps).

The tutorials are led by Allan Laframboise, who is a really smart dude that tends to focus on JavaScript. He will give you time to play in between the tutorials. Snacks will be there for you to munch on.

This is a BYOM, BYOI, BYOA, and BYOD event: bring your own machine (seriously, we don't have any extras), ideas, apps and data. Yeah.

Oh and here is a list of the required materials:

  1. Computer

  2. GitHub account

  3. Git installed and configured

  4. Text editor

  5. ArcGIS for Developers or ArcGIS Organization account

HackerLab Agenda:

12:30PM - 5:00PM - HackerLab (We get started promptly at 12:30!)

WE REPEAT: Bring your own machine! We will not have any extras for use.


