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I want to work for Thetus Corp (powered by FREE PIZZA)

Forge Portland - 1410 SW Morrison Street, Suite 850

Come up to the 8th floor using elevator (the main door gets locked automatically at 6pm; if you are arriving after that time please call us at 503-419-7097)



We are thrilled to welcome our special guest speaker Derek Blum, Director of Product Management at Thetus Corp.

Derek will share her career journey leading up to this position at Thetus (through a series of practical Q&As). We will then do in-depth research on what Thetus Corp is all about... their clients, competition, products, value proposition and much, much more!

The experience and value you will get from this meetup is going to be unlike any other you ever saw... You have my personal guarantee!

Oh, as always, this meetup is POWERED BY FREE PIZZA :)

