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Tuesday, May 5, 2015 at 2:03pm.
Intro to Objective-C
Access Notes
We're on the 11th floor, come on up. Non-members park bikes outside the building. Paid car parking is connected to the building, and a SmartPark is two blocks away near Target. Located on SW 10th and Washington, between Target and Powell's, on the big block of food carts. We're on the Streetcar line, a block from the Red and Blue MAX lines, and a 5-minute walk from the Green, Yellow, Orange lines.
This will be a casual introduction to the Objective-C language.
We will cover the basics and give you a good foundation to the language and have plenty of time for questions.
No specific experience necessary but this will be a technical talk and it may help to review other introductory C and Objective-C material.
Afterwards we'll go to Pints Brewing around the corner at 412 NW 5th Ave.